Monday, 6 September 2010

Another year...

I am clearly pretty bad at this blogging thing. I am back in America and thought it would be a good time to update....and to vow to be a better blogger.....hopefully.

Over the past few months I have baked lots of new things. Let's start with the most recent: Chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes from Annie's Eats. I have recently discovered her blog and she has some AMAZING recipes!! These cupcakes were so awesome!

I also made some scones which overall I wasn't super impressed with. I will have to keep searching for the perfect scone recipe.

I made some bagels for my guy. Their texture was awesome but I forgot the salt! He was very sweet about it and ate most of them anyway! The recipe was from the Nigella Lawson Domestic Godess cookbook.

I also decided to try out making my own jam. Surprisingly, this was a total success. I used strawberries that we picked ourselves and I have never tasted such wonderful jam! I am still trying to work out the whole canning process though.

A few months ago I devoted an entire evening to developing the perfect vanilla cupcake recipe. I made 3 different kinds and think I came up with a winner. It does seem to be a little temperamental though and when I tried to make it in America, it wasn't too successful. I think I need to work on it a little more.

So, a pretty good few months of baking. And I promise, promise, promise to be a better blogger!

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